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房地产市场过度繁荣带来的房价过快上涨会影响要素流动和企业行为,进而加剧资源错配,不利于地区产业结构优化。征收房产税可以有效抑制房价过快上涨,通过地区相对房价的下降减轻资源错配程度,并从影响产业转移和推动企业创新两条路径促进地区产业结构优化。运用合成控制法对上海和重庆房产税改革试点的政策效应进行评估,结果表明:重庆的房产税政策有效抑制了房价过快上涨,促进了先进产业的转入和创新水平的提高,进而显著提高了地区产业结构合理化和高级化水平,地区产业结构优化效应明显;上海的房产税政策对房价上涨的抑制作用不明显,高房价阻碍了高技能人才的流入,导致其产业高级化水平的提高更多依赖于低端服务业的发展,不利于地区产业结构合理化,总体上并未能有效促进地区产业结构优化。上海与重庆房产税政策效应的差异不仅源于其政策力度的不同,还由于两地经济发展水平和产业结构的不同。房产税政策必须有效抑制房价上涨,并应结合本地经济发展实际因地制宜,才能更好地促进地区产业结构优化。  相似文献   
由于国企高管的经营业绩难以被准确度量,加上监督约束机制不健全,高管的超额薪酬成为国企代理问题的一种典型表现,于是政府将高管薪酬管制作为应急措施来降低代理成本,缓解国企代理问题。采用双重差分法对2011—2018年A股上市公司的分析表明:第二次限薪令在有效限制国企高管薪酬水平的同时,没有对高管在职消费产生显著影响,有效降低了国企代理成本;但第二次限薪令也降低了薪酬激励效应,导致国企高管努力程度降低,由此造成的利益损失又成为新的代理成本。国企薪酬制度改革面临激励与管制的两难选择,应在国企分类改革的基础上对不同类型国企的高管采取不同的激励机制:对公益类及特殊行业的国企增强高管政治晋升激励,对竞争行业(营利性)国企则应在推向市场的同时放松薪酬管制,从而有效降低代理成本,解决国企代理问题。  相似文献   
This paper investigates the extent to which access to credit, public financial incentives and tax financial incentives affect export performance using the EU-EFIGE/Bruegel-Unicredit data set, covering firms within Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Hungary and the UK during the 2008 global financial crisis. The results show that firms receiving credit or benefiting from public financial incentives display higher export intensity and export a greater number of product lines compared to those that did not, especially in countries with better access to credit and/or financial incentives during the crisis. Further, firms benefiting from tax financial incentives show a better export performance compared to those that did not, regardless of the degree of access to credit and/or financial incentives in the country in which they operate. In addition, the effect of access to credit and public finance incentives on export performance is found to be size-dependent, while the effect of tax financial incentives is not. We suggest that governments should promote publicly funded financial incentives along with conventional schemes, such as R&D subsidies, to promote exports, particularly during a period of financial crisis.  相似文献   
基于2003—2016年东北、内蒙古重点国有林区87个林业局的面板数据,以林业总产值、森林管护面积、年末在岗职工人数作为衡量指标,采用面板数据固定效应模型分析林业产业结构升级对国有林区改革绩效的影响机制。结果表明:林业产业结构高级化对国有林区改革绩效具有促进效应,但产业结构升级速度过快也会在一定程度上对国有林区改革绩效产生抑制效应;林业财政投资额对林业总产值具有显著促进作用;年末在岗职工人均工资对森林管护面积和年末在岗职工人数具有显著促进作用;林业工作站数量对森林管护面积具有显著促进作用。因此为推动国有林区改革工作顺利进展,重点国有林区林业产业结构升级应与经济发展水平和生态环境状况相适应。  相似文献   
China’s research and development (R&D) policy has changed considerably over recent decades, and great changes occurred in 2006 when the main programme objective of China’s R&D changed from the 863 Programme and 973 Programme to the National Science and Technology Major Project. One topic that has drawn extensive attention is whether the investment reform improved R&D productivity in China. Using a unique panel dataset from 160 universities, this paper examines the effect of the investment reform on productivity improvement in China’s agricultural biotechnology sector. We use a panel count data model with a dynamic feedback mechanism to model the knowledge production process. Strong evidence indicates that the investment reform greatly contributes to knowledge output production in China’s agricultural biotechnology sector. We also find that the input quality is more important than the absolute quantity; human research capacity exhibits the greatest contribution to the output of patents; past knowledge accumulation helps produce more patents; and entry barriers to patent production exist in China’s agricultural biotechnology sector. Moreover, the patent explosion in China may have been largely caused by improvements in the human capital input quality.  相似文献   
研究目的:明确农村宅基地资格权的权利属性与内涵,从理论和实践的角度探索资格权实现的路径框架,为深化农村宅基地制度改革提供理论支撑。研究方法:文义解释、历史分析、文献研究和案例分析。研究结果:针对当前宅基地资格权的权利内涵不清、实现路径不明、实践经验不足等问题,本文从保障性内涵和现行制度体系适应性出发,认为资格权应当具备成员权内涵,具有身份性、无偿性、长期性、均等性等特征,并基于此从福利多元主义视角构建了宅基地资格权的实现路径理论框架,提出在宅基地资格权的实现过程中,应设立政府、集体、市场和家庭的四元供给主体,并通过城乡统筹保障农民宅基地资格权的多元动态实现,同时运用此理论框架对北京市大兴区魏善庄镇羊坊三村宅基地改革实践经验进行了案例研究和分析。研究结论:资格权应当在兼顾主体意愿和历史根源基础上以成员资格为依据进行主体认定,以资格公平性和均等性为原则,以"实物+货币"双重动态机制和城乡统筹机制构建实现路径,推动"户有所居",并通过宅基地资格权的多元动态实现推动农村住房保障体系的完善。  相似文献   
This study of Shanghai analyzes the city's emerging patterns of residential settlement in 2010. Most previous research on China focused on central city patterns, but by 2010 urban development in major metropolitan areas was taking place predominantly in the suburbs. The analysis re‐examines and extends previous studies of the level of segregation by various key population characteristics, showing that the highest segregation is found in the suburban ring, where original villager residents are now joined by an influx of migrants from other regions and by intracity movers. We probe the sources of the segregation pattern in multivariate analyses at two scales—an innovative analysis at the level of individuals that shows how people's citizenship status, occupation and education affect the type of housing that they are able to live in, and jointly contribute to their location in the metropolitan area. We show that the patterns attributable to the market reform period mostly did not supplant the socialist urban structure, but rather used it as its foundation. Segregation today can be attributed less to current class inequality than to state policies in the distant and recent past that have determined when, where and for whom housing is built.  相似文献   
本文基于动态分工演进,以自给自足的自然经济为起点,将秩序服务和财税政策纳入一个理论框架,结合超边际决策分析和一般均衡分析,考察在此过程中各个经济人的最优决策在市场上相互作用而内生的各种变化,揭示了财税政策作用于工农业分工和农业生产率的内在机制。然后,使用中国改革开放以来的数据对相关结论进行实证检验。模型分析表明,政府财税政策的实施在促进工农业分工水平提高的情况下,会扩大粮食生产的迂回化经济程度,进而推动粮食部门的农地生产率提升。就长期而言,单位面积的财政支农支出对农地生产率的提高有显著正向影响,在其他农业生产要素既定情况下,单位面积的财政支农支出每增加1%,农地生产率增加3.23%;从短期来看,单位面积财政支农支出对农地生产率的作用较弱,但在反向修正机制的作用下,最终会达到有效提高农地生产率的长期稳定均衡。另外,财政支农支出的增加促进了分工水平的提高,而分工水平的提高又推动了农业生产率的提升。  相似文献   
我国水稻产业供给侧结构性改革的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[目的]文章在供给侧改革视角下对水稻供需的结构性矛盾等方面进行梳理,分析基于供给侧改革战略的关键环节、实施路径和未来发展趋势,以期为制定我国水稻供给侧改革战略提供参考。[方法]采用文献分析法和调查研究法,从我国水稻生产供求结构、价格"天花板"和成本"地板"双重挤压、水稻生产的资源环境、市场调节等方面分析了我国水稻产业供给侧的现状和存在的问题;通过日本、泰国、中国五常大米政策特点和经验教训的启示,提出了我国水稻产业供给侧结构性改革的策略。[结果]在分析我国水稻产业供给侧现状的基础上,总结得出水稻产业供给侧改革措施:优化水稻产业空间和功能布局,以项目带动水稻产业结构调整,提高和优化稻米品种品质结构、审定标准向抗性优质专用水稻品种倾斜,因地制宜调减水稻生产面积,调整国家收储稻米标准,延长水稻全产业链等。[结论]加速我国水稻产业供给侧改革,能促进稻米产业结构快速升级,有效破解稻米产业的结构性矛盾,增强我国稻米产业可持续发展能力和国际竞争力。  相似文献   
为了全面总结内蒙古自治区水权试点工作,介绍了内蒙古黄河干流跨盟市水权试点过程中强化行业监管方面的一些做法,总结了试点过程中坚持问题导向、坚持两手发力、强化节水管理、创新体制机制的一些重要经验。  相似文献   
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